Energy Healing Circle

Energy Healing Circle

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Healing Circles

Experience a harmonious blend of healing modalities in a collective Healing Circle, tailored to meet the intentions and goals of the group. When facilitating these circles, I incorporate meditation, intuitive movement, breath work, creative writing, and sound healing to create a transformative and nurturing environment.

Session Includes:

  • 25-minute Client Consultation:

    • Conducted via Google Meet, this consultation allows us to understand the group's purpose, intention, and desired outcomes.
  • 45-minute Healing Session:

    • Delivered face-to-face or remotely via Google Meet or Zoom, our healing session provides an immersive experience designed to address the needs of the group.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki (rei meaning "universial," and ki, equates to vital life force energy) uses energy medicine to promote one's natural ability to heal itself. 

The Usui System of Natural Healing is a Japanese Healing Art. This form was founded in Japan a little over 100 years ago a by Mikao Usui, whose personal search to understand healing led him to Reiki. He developed his form of Reiki practice in Japan and in 1937, and it was later introduced to Hawaii, by Hawayo Takata Sensei. It is passed on from Master to student through teachings, a defined form of practice, and initiation.

So how does Reiki work? Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy that exists in all living beings. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to you. They guide the energy through the body, promoting flow and the client's own self-healing abilities.

Reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments. It complements traditional healing treatments by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

What is an energy healing circle? Circles are a place of gathering to focus participants' collective consciousness on deep healing, connectedness, and self-discovery for the highest good of a community, individual, or even a global cause. Circles provide a safe environment of support to hold space for one another, enabling one to activate their parasympathetic nervous system and enter a state of relaxation, deep healing, and recovery. 

Though energy healing is becoming more widely accepted as medical studies continue to show its value as a wellness practice, it is not a substitute for medical care, nor is it intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. Please use your discretion when deciding how best to incorporate energy work into your journey. And, if you have medical concerns, you are advised to contact a licensed physician.